Deep Tissue Massage Therapy. Therapist massaging Woman’s Back, using Elbow Pressure.
Health - Wellness
What Happens To Your Body When You Get A Deep Tissue Massage?
How it Works
According to Healthline, deep tissue massages seek to work on your deep muscles, tendons, and other connective tissues, often to reduce pain or restore function after an injury. Deep tissue massage therapists use continuous, slow pressure to go beyond the outer layers and reach the intended areas underneath to alleviate soreness.
Blood Pressure
A study published in The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine examined the impact deep tissue massages have on blood pressure. The participants demonstrated lower blood pressure across the board and reduced heart rate, partially thanks to the massage's ability to reduce stress and tension, which eases the strain on the heart and blood vessels.
Nerves play a vital part in the functions of a healthy body; however, they can be pinched and trapped, leading to issues like sciatica and lower back pain that can cause severe irritation. One effect of a deep tissue massage is easing the tension in muscles and tissues that might be pressing nerves and causing these pains.
Blood Flow
Deep tissue massage can benefit injured muscles thanks to the increased blood flow from the stimulation and the rising temperature. The muscles and tissue become more flexible and relaxed, stopping knots from forming and allowing the injury to begin healing by bringing additional oxygen and nutrients to the area.
Scar Tissue
When bodies repair themselves, sometimes scar tissue is formed to knit damaged tissue together, which can create lasting pain and issues with movement and function. By applying continuous pressure, a massage therapist can help realign the collagen fibers and slacken scar tissue, increasing flexibility and reducing pain.