How To Manage Stomach Pain Caused By A Migraine

Simultaneously having a migraine and an intense stomach ache may sound like a nightmare situation to be in, but fortunately, there are several ways to manage these coinciding conditions. Migraines, which are severe headaches that many people describe as involving fierce throbbing sensations, often induce nausea, vomiting, and thus stomach pain due to their intensity, according to Mayo Clinic. Prior to the onset of a migraine, a person may notice early signs of a forthcoming episode in phases termed prodrome and aura. In the prodrome phase, which initiates 24 to 48 hours before a migraine attack, stomach-related symptoms may emerge in the form of constipation, fluid retention, and excessive urination. The presence of aura is typically played out in visual symptoms, but noticing visual disturbances as a result of the aura phase can prepare you for the stomach upset, nausea, and pain that can accompany a migraine.

In addition to the stomach-related pain and potent symptoms that can appear as side effects of a migraine headache, there is a similar condition called abdominal migraines, per WebMD. While migraines affect more adults than children, the reverse is true when it comes to abdominal migraines. An estimated 15% of children who report having severe stomach aches and chronic stomach pain may have abdominal migraines, with girls more likely than boys to suffer from them. Young children are also more likely to develop dehydration headaches, which occur when the child isn't staying hydrated (via Cleveland Clinic). Here are some management tips.

Techniques for managing coinciding pain

If you or your child experience migraines alongside stomach pain, or abdominal migraines, there are numerous ways to manage symptoms both at home and with the guidance of a healthcare professional, reports Healthline. As you begin to notice symptoms of an oncoming migraine, prioritize drinking plenty of water to avoid simultaneous dehydration and to keep your body sufficiently nourished. Whether a migraine or abdominal migraine is beginning to emerge or is in full swing, avoiding triggers that can instigate either condition or make symptoms worse is a solid management technique to incorporate into your routine. Triggers to avoid include caffeine, chocolate, sugar, and exposure to overly bright lighting.

Stress can trigger migraines and stomach pain, while the anxiety and discomfort experienced during a migraine or abdominal migraine can cyclically exacerbate stress. To interrupt this pattern, Mayo Clinic recommends implementing stress management habits into your daily routine to reduce stress before symptoms begin. Types of stress reduction activities you can try include yoga, meditation, mindfulness, exercise, physical activity, and deep breathing. To start, try one of these techniques for just 10 minutes per day and increase the length over time. When stomach pain associated with a migraine or abdominal migraine is extreme, you can consult with your doctor about taking a type of prescription medication called an antiemetic, which reduces nausea and vomiting (via Healthline). Common antiemetic medications include prochlorperazine, metoclopramide, and chlorpromazine. Nevertheless, your doctor will help determine the best medication for you.