Can You Manage High Blood Pressure Without Medication?

High blood pressure (aka hypertension) is a life-threatening condition affecting blood circulation because of blocked arteries (via Mayo Clinic). As the blood pushes forcefully to pass through clogged arteries, it increases blood pressure. As a result, your heart pumps faster and harder to circulate blood efficiently to all organs. 

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), you may experience various symptoms of hypertension, such as irregular heartbeat, nosebleeds, headaches, dizziness, problems with vision and hearing, nausea, and even anxiety — especially in severe cases. Per WHO, most people don't realize they have high blood pressure, which is why the disease is also called a "silent killer." The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reveals that around 47% of Americans have hypertension, making up a whopping 116 million people in the U.S. population alone. The numbers further show that nearly 37 million people have uncontrolled high blood pressure (considered to be140/90 mmHg or above). 

If you're diagnosed with hypertension, there's a lot you can do at home to control the blood pressure — primarily by adopting a healthier lifestyle.

Tips for managing high blood pressure at home

One of the best ways to control high blood pressure is by reducing stress levels, asserts Mayo Clinic. You may want to avoid stress triggers and find more time for relaxing activities or hobbies that make you happy. Daily meditation, cooking, or volunteering may help manage your stress levels. In addition, Mayo Clinic suggests getting sufficient night's rest. Not getting a proper night's sleep (particularly due to insomnia, sleep apnea, or restless leg syndrome), is a significant factor that makes people prone to hypertension. Get treatment for these sleep conditions to manage your blood pressure.

Moreover, you should watch your diet if you experience hypertension symptoms. Make sure you reduce your salt intake, as high levels of sodium may cause your blood pressure to shoot up, according to Healthline. Experts also advise quitting smoking and drinking alcohol because both significantly contribute to elevated blood pressure and a higher risk of coronary diseases. Medical News Today recommends a daily walking or exercise routine as well. It helps strengthen the heart, reduce weight, and lower cholesterol. If you're a beginner, start with a 30-minute walk every day to build up the habit of physical activity.