These Are The Reasons Your Workouts Are Making You Dizzy

Have you ever found your stride on the treadmill when, all of the sudden, you feel like the entire gym is spinning? Or have you found your rhythm lifting weights when, all at once, everything seems off balance? Dizziness during or after a workout is not all that uncommon, but it can be concerning.

There are two different types of dizziness you may be experiencing, one being lightheadedness, which is associated with feeling faint and weak, and the other being vertigo, in which you feel as though all of your surroundings are spinning (via Verywell Fit). So what exactly is causing this discomfort and derailing you from achieving your fitness goals? Turns out there are actually quite a few reasons, many of which can be easily addressed.

Dehydration occurs when you lose more water than you take in (via Healthline). During exercise, especially intense and vigorous exercise, your body temperature rises and you naturally start sweating, in order to cool your body down. While some people guzzle gallons of water while exercising, others tend to forget. In addition to dizziness and lightheadedness, dehydration before, during, or after a workout may lead to dry mouth, fatigue, and excessive thirst.

Patience is not a virtue we all possess and sometimes it's easy to want to push yourself harder in an attempt to see results faster. But there's a good reason the tortoise beat the hare. Overexerting yourself while working out can actually cause your blood pressure to drop dramatically, leading to dizziness, nausea, or even feeling faint.

Potential causes of dizziness after exercise

Overexertion tends to go hand in hand with hyperventilation. Often times when you are pushing yourself past your limits, you're either forgetting to breathe regularly or you're breathing too quickly. Hyperventilating in order to keep up with the intensity of the exercise can also make you feel faint, like your heart is racing, and even cause numbness or tingling in your hands and/or feet (via WebMD).

Another potential cause of dizziness while working out is low blood sugar levels (via Healthline). During exercise, your muscles consume a significant amount of energy. At the beginning of your workout, the body is consuming sugar which is floating in the bloodstream and muscles to support you, but once those stores are depleted, your body taps into its reserves, and blood glucose levels drop. Low blood glucose levels or hypoglycemia can leave you feeling dizzy, weak, nauseous, and sluggish.

So how can you avoid dizziness during or after your workout? Make sure you hydrate all day long and eat the appropriate pre- and post-workout snacks and meals which can replenish essential nutrients and electrolytes lost during exertion. Remember to breathe slowly and consistently and don't try to go for the gold medal on your first day of exercising. There is an old adage in medicine that goes, "start low and go slow." While it pertains originally to medication dosage, it works just as well when it comes to exercising safely and effectively. If you've made necessary adjustments to your lifestyle but are still experiencing dizziness, don't hesitate to call and speak with your medical provider.