What Really Causes Droopy Eyelids

If you've ever noticed that your upper eyelids are droopy, you might have ptosis. Ptosis is a condition in which the upper eyelids droop or sag over the eye (via WebMD). Ptosis can affect one or both eyes and can occur at any time in a person's life. Some people are born with it, while others will develop it later on in life. Ptosis is not painful, but it does vary in severity depending on the person. It can either cause the eyelid to sag slightly or completely cover the pupil of the eye.

While there are a number of causes for ptosis, it is most commonly caused by the aging process (via Healthline). As you get older, the levator muscle, which works to help lift up the eyelid, can stretch out, causing the eyelid to droop. For children with ptosis, it is possible that the levator muscle never fully developed in the first place. This can sometimes cause children to develop amblyopia, or lazy eye.

How to treat droopy eyelids

There are different ways to treat ptosis depending on the severity. If your eyelid is blocking your vision, your doctor might recommend surgery. Surgery for ptosis involves tightening the levator muscle, which will allow the muscle to hold your eyelid in place and prevent it from drooping again. Another surgical option is the frontalis sling procedure, which uses the forehead to elevate the eyelid.

A ptosis crutch is another way to treat ptosis. This is a less invasive option that involves adding an attachment to the frames of your eyeglasses. This will temporarily prevent your eyelid from sagging while your glasses are on, allowing you to see more clearly. If your ptosis is mild and does not impact your vision, your doctor may not recommend any treatment since it is not causing any harm or impairment to your vision or health. However, you can still pursue a surgical option in order to decrease or eliminate the drooping.