Don't Try This Trick For Removing Skin Tags

Skin tags are flesh-colored flaps or growths of skin that pop up in areas of the body where skin rubs together, according to the Cleveland Clinic. Common areas where skin tags occur include under the arms, the neck, and groin, though they can appear anywhere on the body. People of all ages and body types can get skin tags, and while they may be annoying, most of the time they are completely harmless. However, if skin tags become twisted, irritated, or start to bleed, it is time to see a doctor.

A lot of home remedies exist for the removal of skin tags, but experts advise against trying to do so on your own. One such remedy calls for using clear nail polish to remove skin tags (via Healthline). However, while this method may actually do the job, it is not safe. That's because skin tags contain blood vessels, so their removal will likely cause bleeding. While this is safe in a sterile environment like a doctor's office, it puts you at risk of infection when trying to remove one of these small skin growths at home.

How skin tags can be removed safely

Experts also advise against using other home remedies to remove skin tags, including tea tree oil, apple cider vinegar, and garlic. Some of these remedies can lead to irritation on the skin and even to skin ulcers, according to the Cleveland Clinic. It's also not recommended to cut off a skin tag on your own, as this can lead to bleeding and invite infection.

In some cases, skin tags can be left alone, but if they become irritated or you'd simply like to get rid of them, there are ways a dermatologist can remove them (via Penn Medicine). These include removing the skin tag surgically, burning off the skin tag (a process called cauterization), freezing the skin tag until it can be safely removed (cryotherapy), and cutting off the skin tag's blood supply with a string so it will fall off. Once a skin tag is removed it will not grow back, though if you are prone to these skin growths, others may appear in the same area.