Why Beer And Wine Don't Affect Your Body The Same Way

From wine pairing to beer tasting, beer and wine are both popular beverages of choice for many occasions. While imbibing in your cocktail of choice, you may have noticed some drinks affect you differently.  Researchers say that's because of differences in volume, alcohol content, and your individual body makeup. 

While beer typically has a larger serving volume — 12 ounces compared to 5 ounces for wine — there may be more alcohol in the smaller serving of wine. Wine contains 19 grams of alcohol per serving, while beer typically contains 14 grams (via Bustle). The larger serving size of beer and the carbonation may make you feel fuller, but the wine packs a bigger alcohol punch. The carbonation of beer may also cause indigestion, so be weary if you suffer from heartburn, according to experts.

The effects of beer versus wine also depend on what else you're consuming. Drinking on an empty stomach will likely provide a different experience, meaning you'll feel the effects of the alcohol faster, than if you're eating when drinking beer or wine. 

If you have any health issues like a gluten intolerance or celiac disease, you may want to skip beer (unless you go for the gluten-free options), according to Bustle. Any food allergies should also be taken into account when drinking beer or wine.

Are there potential health benefits to drinking alcohol?

Some researchers say wine can actually be positive for your cardiovascular health. Red wine contains polyphenols that relax blood vessel walls and lower low-density lipoprotein (LDL) also known as "bad" cholesterol (via Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health). These polyphenols are similar to the ones found in dark chocolate, fruits like apples, blueberries or strawberries, and tea. Beer also contains similar healthy polyphenols, just not as high of a concentration.

But just because there are some potential health benefits to drinking alcohol, that is not an excuse to start partying. Researchers say to gain the health benefits, the amount of alcohol consumption — sticking to light to moderate — is more important than the actual beverage choice itself. Up to two drinks a day for men and one drink for women was associated with a decreased cardiovascular risk, but there wasn't data specific to the type of alcohol, according to Harvard researchers.

Although beer and wine may affect your body differently for a variety of reasons, it is most important to moderate your alcohol intake and focus on an overall healthy diet to reap the most nutritional benefits.