What Is The Raw Til 4 Diet?

With many variations of veganism circling the weight loss industry, the media, and social networks, it can be confusing zeroing in on just one that may be best suited for you. Some vegan diets are inspired by a need for weight loss and for health improvements, while others are created purely for ethical and moral reasons concerning the environment or animal welfare (via CNET).  

One of these vegan diets, The Raw Til 4 (RT4) plan, was inspired by the 80/10/10 diet, and suggests that only raw, plant-based foods are to be eaten until 4PM, with a cooked vegan meal for dinner (via Healthline). According to its creator, Australian weight loss expert Leanne Ratcliffe, aka Freelee the Bananagirl, the RT4 plan is not a bikini body diet, but more of a complete lifestyle overhaul. The e-book contains 217 pages of nutrition, fitness, mindset, and even moral work, which aims to inspire emotional and physical changes in the dieter. Freelee's website states that weight loss, while an effect of the RT4, is not the purpose of the popular diet: The actual goal is "healthy body, healthy mind, healthy spirit."

What you can eat on the Raw Till 4 plan

Ratcliffe tells Huffpost UK, "The concept of Raw Till 4 is to say no to calorie restriction and yes to eating and living abundantly," and goes on to say "The focus is on eating the right calories, instead of restricting them. Those calories come from low fat plant foods which then allows us the freedom to eat as much as we want." A typical daily menu may consist of a morning smoothie, which includes seven bananas, unlimited fruits, and cooked potatoes with veggies for dinner.

Offering some tips on her website, Freelee suggests, for optimal success, that 800 or more fruit-based calories should be eaten at breakfast, with an additional 800 fruit-based calories at lunch, followed by a high-carb cooked dinner of 500 or more calories. To really thrive on this plan, she suggests 2,400 calories daily, regular exercise, and a good night's sleep.

While some research suggests that vegans may be healthier than omnivores, and evidence shows the health benefits of eating a plant-based diet, the extreme food restrictions of the RT4 may not be suitable for everyone. Discussing your diet concerns with your doctor or nutritionist can put you on the right path for your personal needs.