What It Really Means When Your Baby Won't Stop Crying

If you're a new parent and your baby won't stop fussing and crying, you're not alone. Infants can cry for a multitude of reasons, and while their crying and wailing can often be overwhelming, identifying why your baby is crying can provide some relief for both you and your child.

One of the most common reasons babies cry is because they're hungry. Babies need to be fed fairly frequently, especially if they're less than 3 months old. Babies who are breastfed often need to be nursed every 2 to 3 hours, while babies who are formula fed can last a few hours more in between feeds (via Verywell Family). Additionally, babies can also cry a lot if they have colic — a term used to describe periods of distress and inconsolable crying. Colicky babies will cry for more than 3 hours per day often for no particular reason. Although the cause of colic is still unknown, gas and other digestive issues may be contributing factors. Babies can also cry if they're tired, bored, overstimulated, or simply need a diaper change. 

How to soothe a crying baby

If you're unsure as to why your baby won't stop crying, there are a few things you can do to try to help soothe them. Since babies tend to get hungry fairly quickly, one solution is to try feeding them well before they begin crying for it. Waiting to feed them until after the crying escalates can cause further distress for both parent and child (via Healthline).

If that doesn't work, experts suggest taking your baby outside for a walk in their stroller. The change in environment may help soothe them and give them something new to look at if they're bored. Colicky babies, on the other hand, may require more in-depth solutions to help them stop crying. If your baby is colicky and won't stop crying, you can try singing to them, giving them a bath, swaddling them in a blanket, rocking them in your arms, or putting them in a windup swing.