This Is The Worst Time Of The Day To Work Out

Physical activity is an important part of staying healthy. According to Mayo Clinic, the Department of Health and Human Services recommends that adults get at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity a week. While this amounts to only 30 minutes a day for five days a week, many people struggle with working out in the first place. Exercising at the right time each day can help you maximize your workouts and stick with your exercise routine. On the flip side, exercising at the wrong time each day will make it difficult for you to maintain a consistent exercise routine.

Even though you'll find unique arguments for morning, afternoon, and evening workouts, most experts agree that the best and worst times to work out depend largely on the person. According to WebMD, there is "no reliable evidence to suggest that calories are burned more efficiently at certain times of day." What matters most is that you'll actually get your physical activity in, which means the worst time of the day to work out is a time that you can't commit to. If you have a hard time getting out of bed in the morning, a sweat session before work may not be feasible for you. If you're exhausted by the time you're done at the office, an evening trip to the gym will probably be too difficult.

Morning, afternoon, and evening workouts each have their pros and cons

If you're flexible with the time of day you can work out, it's worth knowing the pros and cons of each exercise time. A morning workout can be an invigorating and motivating way to start the day. "For many people, a morning sweat session is more beneficial than an evening workout," Dan Bowen, personal trainer and owner of HIT Fitness, told Byrdie. "It's way easier to get it done in the morning, namely because you're more likely to feel tired or be in a bad mood after work. The longer you wait, the more excuses pile up on you." Morning workouts are usually the easiest to schedule for busy employees and parents as well.

If you have the schedule to allow it, afternoon workouts can be a good option for people who aren't early birds but still find themselves tired by the end of the day. However, this time slot isn't feasible for many people who work during normal business hours. If you're a night owl who feels the most energized after work or dinner, an evening workout may be the best option.

If you aren't sure of your ideal exercise time, do some experimenting. Try working out in the morning for a week or two, then the afternoon, and then the evening. Whichever one is the easiest to stick to is going to be the best option.