This Is How To Get Rid Of Your Double Chin

If you're looking for a way to get rid of that stubborn fat under your chin, there are a few options. Premiere Dermatology Partners points out that having a double chin isn't necessarily a sign of bad health, but it can affect how you feel about yourself. Cleveland Clinic explains that you can look skinny and still have a double chin from lack of muscle density. While obesity is the leading cause of a double chin, some people have a soft jawline that can make a double chin more noticeable. Conversely, a stronger jawline and more muscle density could make your double chin less prominent. 

According to Women's Health Magazine, causes of a double chin can be genetics, having a small jawbone and chin, weak neck muscles, obesity, and bad posture. However, while extra weight could cause a double chin, you can be a healthy weight and still have one. Everyone is different, especially since genetics could be the cause. 

There are still some things you can do to reduce your double chin, even if the cause is genetics. You can try exercises that target your neck, chin, and jaw. Diet and exercise could help. Cosmetic surgery can also get rid of a double chin.

Double chin exercises

Women's Health Magazine has some exercises you can try to help reduce your double chin. While there aren't any scientific studies to prove this works, many people say they've helped. Do each exercise 10 times morning and night. The first one's called the thinker. Rest your chin on your fist and create resistance between your fist and your jaw. Next, open and close your mouth. Next is the chin press up. Make a v with your hand and put it under your chin. With your lips closed, move them up like you're trying to touch your nose. Hold each for 5 seconds. Now, move your hand, so your fingers are covering your right ear, and do the same with your left hand. Make an "e" sound. Finally, stick your ring fingers in your mouth and pull out the sides of your mouth. Use your jaw muscle to move your fingers to touch your teeth. 

According to Healthline, forward head posture can make the front of your neck muscles shorter and weaker. Instead, sit up straight, keep your computer monitor at eye level, and look forward with the back of your head aligned with your back. A good test is to stand with your back against a wall. The back of your head should touch the wall. That's the posture you need to try to keep while you're working at your desk, driving, and doing other activities throughout your day.