What Happens To Your Teeth When You Get A Root Canal

If you've been experiencing consistent pain or swelling in a tooth, it may be time to get a root canal.

Experts at Healthline define a root canal as "a dental procedure involving the removal of the soft center of the tooth, the pulp" which is "made up of nerves, connective tissue, and blood vessels that help the tooth grow." Root canals are common procedures and are typically required when there is severe tooth decay due to a cavity, if a tooth gets chipped or cracked, if a tooth has undergone numerous procedures, or if a tooth becomes injured due to a trauma, such as getting hit in the mouth.

Your dentist or an endodontist will perform the root canal. The dentist will first administer a local anesthetic via an injection, which causes a brief pinching sensation, soon followed by increased numbness near the injection area. Once the area is fully numb, the dentist makes an opening at the top of the tooth, and uses special tools to carefully remove the infected pulp and clean out the canals. The dentist finishes the procedure by placing a temporary filling at the top of your tooth to prevent infection until the permanent crown for your tooth is ready to be implanted.

Expect pain and swelling once the numbness wears off. Your dentist will advise on the best pain relievers to use to mitigate the discomfort.

Are root canals risky?

While your dentist may recommend that a root canal is the best course of action, there are also some potential risks related to the procedure, according to WebMD.

For instance, there are several ways that infections can arise after the procedure. This can happen if the dentist does not extract all the roots or properly clean the canals, or if there is an issue with the restoration of the tooth that ends up allowing bacteria into the inner tooth. Or, over time, if the sealing wears down, bacteria can potentially get into the tooth. One or more follow-up visits can typically resolve the issue, but if it persists, a procedure called an apicoectomy where the infected tissue is removed may be required to save the tooth.

Root canals are the best way to save your tooth, however, if the procedure is not appealing or if there are other reasons you can't undergo a root canal, the only other viable option would be extraction of the tooth, which would then have to be replaced by an implant. According to WebMD, extractions tend to be more costly and require more treatment time than a root canal.

Of course, it's best to try to avoid having to undergo either of these procedures. Your best chance of doing that is by maintaining good dental hygiene through regular brushing and flossing and visiting your dentist for consistent checkups and cleanings.