Are Nuun Tablets Actually Good For You?

Marketed as a healthier alternative to Gatorade and other sugary sports drinks, Nuun tablets are dissolvable electrolyte tablets that can help your body recover after an intense game, match, or workout (via Elemental). Although they may seem like another fake wellness trend, Nuun tablets are actually the real deal. They work by replenishing electrolytes lost through exercise and sweat.

Electrolytes like magnesium, sodium, and potassium are essential to your body's hydration. They can help maintain fluid balance in the body and regulate blood pressure, as well as muscle contraction. If you lose too many electrolytes and fail to replace them, you will most likely begin to experience common symptoms of dehydration, like dizziness, cramping, nausea, and headaches. Nuun tablets are also low in calories, sugar, and carbohydrates, making them much healthier than the average sports drink (via Verywell Fit). A single Nuun tablet only contains 10 calories and 1 gram of sugar, but does this mean they are actually good for you?

Who should be taking Nuun tablets?

While Nuun tablets are effective at replenishing your body's electrolytes, they are largely unnecessary for most people. Electrolyte tablets are better suited for runners and athletes, as they are most at risk of extreme electrolyte loss (via HelloGiggles). Unless you're working out for prolonged periods of time, you can probably just stick to water.

"If exercising for only an hour or less, simply drinking water and having a well-balanced diet is sufficient to replenish the body," Dr. Jennifer Maeng, a New York City-based dietician, told HelloGiggles. "However, if you are exercising for more than an hour and a half, especially in high temperatures (and on days an adequate meal may not be attainable), having an electrolyte drink is not a bad idea, as intense physical strain and high temperatures can result in significant electrolyte loss." 

If you are an athlete, however, Nuun tablets should not replace your daily water intake. You should still drink the same amount of water you normally would without electrolyte tablets. Electrolytes aren't a substitute for water; they just help you absorb it more efficiently.