What Science Says About Babies Born In December

Birth months aren't just for astrology enthusiasts. In fact, scientific evidence suggests our birth month may impact significant health outcomes, like longevity, disease risk, and even athletic performance. One theory points to the amount of vitamin D the expectant mother was exposed to during pregnancy, which impacts the baby's gene regulation during development (via CBC).

So what about December babies in particular? While it might seem like December babies miss out because of the combined birthday and Christmas present scenario, researchers conclude there are many other gifts to be thankful for when it comes to this birth month. While anyone can take advantage of healthy habits that help them live longer, studies show that December babies may have a bit of an advantage over the rest. One 2011 study published in the Journal of Aging Research concluded that those born in December are more likely to live past 100 than those born in the spring and summer. During those long-lived lives, December babies (and winter babies in general) are shown to have a slightly decreased likelihood of cardiovascular disease (via the BMJ).

Athletic ability and disease risks

Babies born in December may also be better athletes. There's scientific evidence that those born in October, November, and December tend to have more stamina, power, and strength than babies born January through September, according to Medical Daily. In fact, sports titans LeBron James and Tiger Woods share the same December 30 birthday. However, it should also be noted that exceptionally talented athletes wind up being so, regardless of their birth month.

For some of the less desirable outcomes for December babies, it seems they aren't offered any additional protection against neurological diseases, like Alzheimer's disease and dementia. They also have a slightly greater risk for respiratory diseases, according to the Washington Post. Respiratory diseases include asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), pulmonary fibrosis, pneumonia, and lung cancer. They were also found to be at a greater risk for reproductive diseases. Abnormal hormone production and thyroid issues are among the most common reproductive diseases. While birth month can't definitively guarantee a particular health outcome, it can help you understand which lifestyle or inherent risk factors apply to you. This may help you reduce your overall risk.