What You Can Actually Do To Minimize Cellulite

It's time to go bathing suit shopping for that long overdue beach trip, but no matter what suit you try on, nothing is going to cover up that dimpled cellulite that sticks to your belly and buttocks like glue. What is cellulite, and is there anything you can do to at least reduce its appearance?

According to the experts at the Mayo Clinic, cellulite is "dimpled flesh that most often develops on the thighs, hips, and buttocks ... ​​Cellulite forms just below the skin when fibrous connective cords that tether the skin to the underlying muscle break, stretch, or pull down while fat cells accumulate and push up against the skin."

Cellulite typically forms in women more than men, but researchers are unclear as to the reason. Cellulite may also be hereditary, but experts say that there are no associated health risks and treatment is unnecessary, aside from cosmetic purposes. Nonetheless, cellulite can be more prevalent in people who are overweight, so one way to manage its appearance is through weight loss and exercise, which may lead to other associated health benefits (via Mayo Clinic).

How to safely reduce the appearance of cellulite

There are a plethora of treatment approaches that may help reduce cellulite, but it is important to look to a reputable source to guide you through the morass of products, methodologies, and marketing claims. The experts at the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) suggest a range of research-backed treatments that may diminish the appearance of cellulite in the short or long term.

The AAD states that minimally invasive laser treatments can be effective. For one of these types of laser treatments, Cellulaze, the specialist inserts a tiny laser fiber just under your skin. The laser breaks up the bands of skin that cause the appearance of cellulite. Patients have reported seeing results that last a year or more; however, more research is needed for experts to better understand the laser's effectiveness. In another type of procedure called vacuum-assisted precise tissue release, your dermatologist uses a special device with small blades that cuts the bands of skin. Tissue then moves into the area, filling out the area of dimpled skin.

If you prefer home remedies, the AAD says certain creams containing caffeine or small amounts of retinol may help reduce the appearance of cellulite to a degree. Be sure to test the product on a small area first to see how your skin reacts and then be prepared to apply for six months or more to see results. There are numerous other treatments available, but before moving forward with any, it is always best to consult with your dermatologist to discuss the safest and most practical methods for your situation.