Try Doing This Exercise Every Day If You Want To Prevent Osteoporosis

While osteoporosis is associated with older people and other specific segments of the population, it's never too early to consider what actions you can take to help prevent this disease, which is estimated to affect over 200 million people worldwide (via European Journal of Rheumatology).

According to the Mayo Clinic, osteoporosis is a disease that "causes bones to become weak and brittle — so brittle that a fall or even mild stresses such as bending over or coughing can cause a fracture. Osteoporosis-related fractures most commonly occur in the hip, wrist, or spine." When our system is working properly, bones are cyclically lost and replaced. However, when you have osteoporosis, you are unable to replace the bone as fast as it breaks down.

While you will not experience any issues in the early stages of osteoporosis, as the disease becomes more severe, symptoms can include back pain, stooped posture, weaker bones, and gradual loss of height. While osteoporosis affects all people of all races, Caucasian and Asian women and postmenopausal women are typically most at risk (via Mayo Clinic).

Steps you can take to maintain healthy bones

While there are certain conditions out of your control that are associated with getting osteoporosis such as age, sex, and race, there are steps you can take to mitigate the symptoms or prevent the disease entirely. According to the experts at WebMD, you can take daily actions to hold off osteoporosis by giving your bones a regular workout. They suggest weight-bearing exercises that require your bones to work against gravity, leading to the production of new bone. These kinds of exercises include activities you may already be engaging in or would enjoy, such as aerobics, tai chi, running, tennis, and dancing, among others. If these kinds of exercises feel like too much of a leap, even the simple act of walking every day can help to keep osteoporosis at bay (via WebMD).

The experts at Everyday Health report that strength training is also a way to maintain healthy bones because your muscles and bones interact. To increase your flexibility, try free weights, squats, or elastic resistance bands. Additionally, from a nutritional standpoint, getting enough calcium and vitamin D in your diet from natural foods is also critical for maintaining healthy bone mass (via WebMD). Of course, if you have concerns about engaging in any kind of new exercise regimen or altering your diet, you should consult with your doctor first.