The First Thing You Should Do When You Get A Headache

Everyone gets headaches sometimes. This condition, although common, is frustrating to experience. Fortunately, there are many things you can do to reduce the severity of your headache if you act quickly. According to Good Housekeeping, you should try to treat your headaches without medication when possible. "It can induce something called medication overuse headaches, where too much medication actually induces more frequent headaches and makes the patient resistant to other treatments," said Lawrence Newman, MD, a neurologist and director of the Headache Division at NYU Langone Health in New York City.

Instead of reaching for a bottle of aspirin, try drinking a cup of coffee. A small amount of caffeine can help to reduce pain caused by headaches. However, you should limit your caffeine intake to less than 150 milligrams per day if this stimulant causes your symptoms. If you don't want to drink any caffeine, place an ice pack or heat pack against the throbbing part of your head. Both can soothe the pain in your head, so use the one that feels the best.

Find the causes of your headaches

The best way to avoid headaches is to figure out what is causing them and then avoid those triggers. The most common type of headache is a tension headache. "Tension headaches are frequently associated with stress, sitting at a desk or computer, driving, poor posture, and neck strain during sleep," Daniel Franc, MD, a neurologist at Providence Saint John's Health Center in Santa Monica, California, told Women's Health. If you notice that you get headaches in stressful situations, try avoiding those situations if possible. Stress-relieving practices like yoga and meditation can also help.

Migraine headaches are the most difficult to deal with. These cause the most pain and can also cause nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light. Migraines often require medication to manage. If you experience headaches more than twice a week, talk to your doctor about your symptoms. They can help you find the cause of your headaches and figure out the best treatment plan.