The First Thing You Should Do When You Get A Cramp

Muscle cramps are common and have many causes. However, they are very uncomfortable. It's a good idea to know how to relieve cramps when they happen so you can get over them quickly. According to Mayo Clinic, stretching and massaging the muscle when it gets cramped can help relax it. Applying a heating pad to the affected area can also relax the muscles and help the cramp go away more quickly. On the flip side, massaging the area with ice or a cold compress can also help.

Severe muscle cramps sometimes need to be treated with injections or supplements that will relax the muscles, but these should only be performed by a medical professional. Taking B vitamins may also help with cramps, but more studies are needed to prove this claim. If you experience muscle cramps frequently, speak to your doctor about your condition. They can help you determine the cause of your cramps and the best way to prevent them in the future.

How to prevent muscle cramps

There are many ways to prevent occasional muscle cramps. According to Healthline, muscle cramps are often caused by muscle strain, so you want to avoid activities that strain your muscles. You can also avoid muscle strain by warming up and stretching before physical exercise. You should not exercise immediately after eating either. Lowering your intake of caffeine can help, as well as increasing your intake of calcium and potassium. Potassium, found in foods like bananas, has been shown to help prevent cramps (via WebMD).

Other ways to prevent muscle cramps include staying hydrated and eating a healthy diet. Being dehydrated or deficient in any mineral can increase your likelihood of muscle cramps. Cramps can also be caused by reduced blood flow (via Harvard Health). This can be caused by some neurological conditions or other health conditions. Speak with your doctor if you aren't finding success in preventing muscle cramps.