Why You Should Try Planking If You Have Bad Posture

Poor posture can cause a host of problems. Common alignment issues associated with bad posture include sway back, lumbar lordosis, thoracic kyphosis, and a forward-leaning head, according to the National Spine Health Foundation. These misalignments can lead to a number of complications, including back and neck pain. Poor posture can wear down your spine, making it more prone to injuries. It can also lead to balance issues, as well as digestive and breathing problems, per MedlinePlus.

If you notice that you tend to slouch when sitting at your desk or looking at your phone, your posture may not be as good as it could be. Steps to improve your posture while sitting at a desk include using an ergonomic chair as well placing your computer monitor at eye level to avoid looking down. Taking regular breaks and gently stretching your muscles throughout the day can also help (via MedlinePlus).

Planks strengthen core muscles

Exercises are another way to improve your posture. Planking is one of the best exercises you can do because it engages your neck, back, chest, core, and abdominals. When you practice planks, you strengthen those muscles, which in turn makes it easier to practice good posture throughout your day (via Healthline). Moreover, as you develop stronger core muscles, you are protecting your back and spine from damage while doing other things, such as lifting something over your head or picking things off the floor, per Cleveland Clinic.

The great thing about planks is that you can do them practically anywhere, and they are easy to modify if you are just learning to do them. When performing a plank, Verywell Health suggests making sure your hands (or elbows) are directly under your shoulders and your body is straight. Avoid arching your back, letting your hips sag, or looking up while doing a plank, because any of these mistakes can lead to an injury.