Can You Straighten Your Teeth Without Braces?

For many years, the only way to straighten a mouthful of crooked teeth was to get braces. Unfortunately, braces can be quite uncomfortable to wear and can make the wearer self-conscious about their smile. If you do not want to get braces or cannot afford them, there are some cheaper and simpler alternatives available. According to The Healthy, one way to straighten your teeth without braces is to use a service like SmileDirectClub. This company uses thin aligners that are similar to retainers to gradually straighten your teeth over time.

When you sign up for SmileDirectClub, the company first sends you a kit to create impressions of your teeth at home. You can also visit a special shop to have a 3D scan of your mouth made in order to create a set of aligners. After this information has been received, SmileDirectClub sends you a personalized treatment plan that includes a set of aligners that are meant to be worn for two weeks at a time. Over time, your teeth will gradually get straighter without needing to have braces attached to your teeth. SmileDirectClub has many benefits, but it isn't the best option for everyone. Although this service is cheaper, it loses the personalized touch of a dentist or orthodontist monitoring the health of your teeth.

SmileDirectClub vs. Invisalign

Another way to straighten your teeth without braces is to use a service called Invisalign. Invisalign also uses clear aligners that gradually straighten your teeth, but this service costs more than SmileDirectClub. One of the reasons for this is that Invisalign requires you to meet with a dentist to create your treatment plan and continue to meet with a dentist regularly during the service (via Invisalign). This is important because it will ensure that your teeth remain healthy and strong while they are being straightened.

There are other advantages to Invisalign as well. According to Mark Burhenne, DDS via Ask the Dentist, Invisalign aligners act as protective gear for your teeth during sporting activities that can damage your teeth. They also straighten your teeth faster than braces and are the most comfortable treatment option for many people with crooked teeth. Because Invisalign aligners are removable, you can more thoroughly clean your teeth with them than when wearing braces. This is also the case with SmileDirectClub. If you are interested in any of these options, talk to your dentist about which will work best for you.