What You Should Know Before Getting Surgery To Remove Belly Fat

It's not uncommon to be self-conscious about the fat on your belly. Many people are, especially those who have trouble losing weight through diet and exercise. One of the most popular procedures to remove belly fat is called liposuction. Although liposuction seems like an easy fix, there are some important things you should know before getting this procedure (via WebMD).

Liposuction is a surgical procedure and all surgical procedures come with risks. You should only get the procedure done by a board-certified cosmetic surgeon who has a long list of happy previous clients. Risks of liposuction include bleeding, complications from anesthesia, and infections. There is also a risk of uneven fat removal, damage to internal organs, and reactions to lidocaine used during surgery. These complications are rare, especially if your procedure is done by a qualified professional, but they can happen. You should be in good health before your procedure is done. Specifically, this means that you should be within 30% of your ideal body weight, have firm and elastic skin, and not smoke. If you are a good candidate for liposuction, you can have the procedure with the lowest amount of risk.

What to know about belly fat

There are many good reasons to lose excess belly fat. According to Harvard Health Publishing, the fat on your stomach is at the center of many health issues including cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes. Removing excess abdominal fat through diet and exercise can lower your risk of developing these diseases. However, removing belly fat with liposuction won't offer the same health benefits. According to the New York Times, while this procedure does effectively remove fat, it does not give you the same cardiovascular benefits that you would get if you lose the same fat by eating a healthier diet and exercising.

It is also important to remember that you don't need a completely flat stomach to be healthy. Women often find it very difficult to get rid of extra fat on their stomachs, but this is because some fat is necessary to protect reproductive organs before and during pregnancy (via Bustle). Some fat on your stomach shouldn't be a reason for worry as long as you live a healthy lifestyle.