Popular Fitness Myths Trainers Want You To Stop Believing
Whether you've heard them from influencers, friends, or gym buddies, some fitness myths seem to stand the test of time. Some of these myths can make your workout less efficient while others can be downright harmful. Some of the most common misconceptions about fitness revolve around belly fat. One myth your trainer wants you to stop believing is that you'll get a six-pack from doing crunches alone (via PopSugar). Although crunches can be an effective ab workout, you'll need a combination of other exercises and a good diet to get flat abs.
"Obtaining a chiseled midsection takes more than crunches," said ACSM-certified personal trainer Chavanne Scott-Hellner, owner and operator of Fitness Together. "To achieve a flat and chiseled midsection, you must change the actual body composition by reducing fat and building up the core muscle. To make that change, it involves a strategic mix of cardiovascular workouts, core training, resistance training, and a healthy diet." This goes along with the myth that an intense cardio workout is necessary to burn belly fat, or fat anywhere on your body for that matter. The best exercise regime will include a combination of cardio and strength training.
Other fitness myths to avoid falling for
When it comes to fat loss, there is no shortage of fitness myths. One common myth you shouldn't believe is that you can out-exercise or out-train a bad diet (via PopSugar). What you eat is going to play a big role in how your body looks. "Nutrition really is 80 percent of weight loss," said Alysa Boan, NASM-certified personal trainer at FitnessTrainer.com and RealFitnessMaven. "You can do everything right in the gym but if you do not have a well-rounded meal plan, you will not lose weight. Recovery time, sleep, hydration, and proper nutrition are all just as important as your time in the gym. It all works together, so give everything the same value."
Another myth you should not believe is that every person is capable of getting a shredded six-pack while maintaining a healthy diet and balanced exercise schedule (via The Healthy). "There are people who, no matter what, are going to basically be prone to having the same belly as their mom or dad," said Michael Nusbaum, MD, founder of Nusbaum Medical Centers in New Jersey. It is also important to remember that you don't need a flat stomach to be healthy.