Climate Change Impacts Your Sleep More Than You Think

We have heard a lot about climate change in recent years. Climate change refers to changes in weather patterns in a specific area and around the globe (via NASA). While the climate is always changing, there are many factors that can speed up climate change to a rate that is unsustainable and dangerous for people, animals, and plants. Humans currently play a big role in climate change and contribute to rising temperatures around the world.

Increasing temperatures can cause many problems, including rising ocean levels and melting ice. According to a study published in ​​the journal One Earth, those rising temperatures can also negatively affect your sleep. After tracking 47,000 adults, the study found that sleep declines about 14 minutes on nights warmer than 86 degrees Fahrenheit. The study also found that the likelihood of getting less than seven hours of sleep increased as temperatures increased. These findings could mean that people lose over 50 hours of sleep per year by the year 2099 if global temperatures continue to rise.

How to sleep better when it's hot

We can't always control how warm our bedroom is at night. Fortunately, there are ways you can still get a good night's sleep if it's hot outside. According to Healthline, closing the windows and blinds in your room during the day can prevent some of the heat from entering. Using a light cotton sheet or bedcover can help you stay more comfortable while falling asleep, as well as switching to lighter pajamas made from natural fabrics like cotton.

If there is a breeze outside, opening a window can help circulate air through the room. Keeping a cool, damp cloth handy to wipe your face and neck if you start to feel too warm can also be helpful, as well as taking a cool shower or bath before bed. This will help lower your body temperature so you'll be more comfortable when you sleep. Although it can be frustrating to try to fall asleep when it is hot outside, it is very important that you aim to get enough sleep at night. A lack of sleep can lead to a number of health problems, so the effort you have to put in to get a good night's sleep is worth it.