Are Gummies The Best Form Of CBD?

Cannabidiol (CBD) has become a popular alternative treatment for various medical conditions. The chemical is found in marijuana and is the non-psychoactive component of the drug. It is usually formulated into an oil, extract, or capsule, according to the Mayo Clinic. As of late, it has been primarily used by younger Americans, with 14% of the country admitting to having used CBD to treat different conditions, including pain, anxiety, and lack of sleep, according to a Gallup poll.

Despite CBD being federally legalized in December 2018, not much has been verified about the potential health benefits of CBD, with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) still researching the chemical (via Gallup). While there are different ways to consume CBD, a popular way of doing so is by eating a CBD gummy. They come in many flavors, but are gummies the best form of CBD? Furthermore, are there potential health risks associated with consuming CBD?

CBD gummies can be mislabeled

Much of the CBD market is unregulated by the FDA, which means that gummies can be accidentally mislabeled. A CBD product should have a certain amount of the chemical that is consistent across every gummy, capsule, or serving size of oil, according to MindBodyGreen. However, because the FDA has not regulated CBD products, many of these items are improperly labeled. In fact, 2015 research published in the JAMA Network looked at 75 products from 47 CBD brands and found that only 17% were labeled correctly — about 23% were under-labeled and 60% were over-labeled.

This doesn't mean that every gummy is going to be inaccurate. If you're really settled on taking CBD gummies, do your research on specific brands by verifying CBD count and quality, and look for one that has undergone third-party testing (via MindBodyGreen). For example, Healthline developed a list of the best CBD gummies by looking at specific criteria, such as brands that disclose the source of their hemp, provide proof of third-party testing, and much more.