What Is Neroli Oil And Why Should You Use It?

One of the most fragrant essential oils is neroli oil, also known as orange blossom oil or citrus aurantium. Created by using steam distillation to extract the oil from the flowers of bitter orange trees, it has subtle notes of floral and citrus, with a slight peppery undertone (via Healthline). Nowadays, its floral scent is popular in perfumes, but it was used traditionally in India to treat various ailments, such as blood pressure problems, stomach issues, boils, and more (per Journal of Ethnopharmacology).      

Neroli oil is also widely popular because it's chock full of antioxidants, and has potential anti-inflammatory, anticancer, antidiabetic, antiobesity, and antimicrobial properties, according to a 2018 study overview. The study in Journal of Ethnopharmacology found it to be highly effective in treating the symptoms of candidiasis, due to its powerful antifungal activities. It also found evidence that neroli oil may help support the potency of antibiotics.  

But that's not all this powerful oil can do. Research from a 2012 study indicates that neroli oil may help improve skin health by reducing acne breakouts. As Australian dermatologist Daniel Lanzer told mindbodygreen, "This oil works to reduce the appearance of your acne overnight with its antifungal and antimicrobial properties." Moreover, if you're looking for oral hygiene support, a 2021 study found that neroli oil can reduce unwanted bacteria in the mouth and might help fight oral infections. That's a lot of potential benefits from one oil!

What are some other benefits of neroli oil?

Beyond using neroli oil for skin health and oral hygiene, it's also excellent for aromatherapy. According to Healthline, inhaling neroli oil may help reduce symptoms of anxiety, stress, and depression. When it comes to its calming effects, one 2012 study found that participants who inhaled the oil (along with other oils like lavender, marjoram, and ylang-ylang) experienced a decrease in salivary cortisol levels and blood pressure. Healthline explains that this is mainly due to neroli oil's ability to reduce the secretion of cortisol, and increase levels of the "feel-good hormone," serotonin.

Additionally, neroli oil may help with labor, and ease symptoms of PMS and menopause. In regards to menstruation, inhaling the oil may help reduce bloating, pain, and moodiness (per Healthline). It may even ease general pain and help with inflammation (per mindbodygreen).

"Neroli essential oil has been used in aromatherapy for a very long time due to its amazing mental and physical health benefits," shares physician Amber O'Brien with mindbodygreen. It's extremely comforting, calming, and generally safe to use when diluted properly in a carrier oil like coconut or jojoba oil. Mindbodygreen suggests using five to eight drops of neroli oil per tablespoon of carrier oil.