How Stress Can Affect Your Bladder

It's well known that stress can have a negative impact on our health, but did you know that it can also affect your bladder? Stress can lead to urinary incontinence, which is the involuntary leakage of urine (via Suncoast Medical Clinic). When we're stressed, our bodies produce more of the hormone cortisol. This hormone can increase urine production and make the muscles around the bladder more sensitive. This can lead to leakages or urgent feelings of needing to go even when the bladder isn't full.

Stress can also increase your likelihood of developing a urinary tract infection. This is because stress can weaken the immune system, making you more susceptible to infections. Stress can also be distracting and cause you to neglect good hygiene habits that can help prevent UTIs. Finally, stress can cause you to develop interstitial cystitis, which is a condition that causes bladder pain. IC can be incredibly painful and cause a number of other symptoms like urinary frequency, urgency, and burning. Finding ways to manage your stress can reduce your likelihood of developing these health concerns.

How stress impacts your health

Stress is more than just a feeling of being overwhelmed or anxious. It's a real condition that can have an impact on your overall health. Stress can cause physical symptoms like headaches and stomachaches, as well as emotional symptoms like anxiety and depression (via WebMD). Having constant feelings of stress can increase your risk of developing many health conditions, including heart disease, obesity, and diabetes (via Everyday Health). Stress can also make these and other chronic conditions worse.

If you're constantly feeling stressed, it's important to find ways to manage your stress levels. There are some simple lifestyle changes you can make, such as getting regular exercise and eating a healthy diet. You may also want to try relaxation techniques like yoga or meditation. If your stress levels are still high, talk to your doctor about other options, such as counseling or medication. Stress can be a result of many different factors and reducing stress will look different for everyone.