The Best Exercises To Help Reverse The Course Of Prediabetes

Prediabetes is a condition in which your glucose levels are above normal, but not within the range in which you would be considered a diabetic. People with prediabetes are at a greater risk of developing type 2 diabetes, but the good news is they have a chance to reverse the condition through lifestyle changes. The American Diabetes Association (ADA) recommends exercise for people with diabetes or anyone else who wants to manage their glucose.

In particular, if you've been diagnosed with prediabetes and want to lower your blood glucose numbers, increasing your physical activity is a great place to start, notes the ADA. In relation to prediabetes, exercise helps your body manage glucose, and promotes sensitivity to insulin. Exercise also strengthens the heart, which can help lower the risk of developing heart disease. In addition, being active can help reduce inflammation and neuropathy, which are common symptoms of type 2 diabetes, per Livestrong.

Mix cardio and strength training

Aerobic activity, or cardio, helps improve how your body metabolizes glucose, according to Livestrong. The ADA suggests aiming for 150 minutes of moderate-intensity cardio per week (via Healthline). Brisk walking is an excellent choice, especially if you're just starting out with an exercise regimen. But you don't have to stick with that. Other options include biking, swimming, dancing, pilates, sports, and yoga.

Along with cardio, you should also incorporate some strength, or resistance, training into your workout routine. Aim for two to three sessions per week, but never on consecutive days, suggests the ADA. When you lift weights or use bands, you're strengthening muscle and improving muscle mass. Muscles store carbohydrates for the next time you'll use them. When you don't have as much muscle, carbs go straight to your bloodstream, which increases glucose levels, per Livestrong. The ADA notes that free weights and weight machines may be particularly helpful for improving glycemic control.

Any kind of movement helps. MedlinePlus points out that daily activities like household chores, running errands, dog walking, and gardening can all contribute to your health.