Can You Drink Alcohol While Intermittent Fasting?

Intermittent fasting is a popular dieting pattern that involves long periods of fasting and limited periods of eating. There are a variety of different ways to do intermittent fasting, but all methods involve limiting the windows of time that you eat during the day (via Johns Hopkins Medicine). Some people wonder if they can still drink alcohol while following this type of diet. The short answer is yes, you can drink alcohol while intermittent fasting. However, there are a few things you need to keep in mind in order to do it safely and effectively.

First, it's important to remember that alcohol contains calories and can contribute to weight gain if you consume too much (via Healthline). For this reason, it's best to limit your alcohol intake while intermittent fasting. Second, alcohol can interfere with your body's ability to burn fat. When you drink alcohol, your liver begins to process it instead of burning fat, which can slow down your weight loss or even cause you to gain weight. If you do decide to drink alcohol while intermittent fasting, be mindful of how much you are drinking.

Is intermittent fasting good for you?

There is a lot of controversy surrounding the topic of intermittent fasting. Some people claim that it's an extremely effective weight loss tool, while others say that it's not worth the hassle. While there are clear pros and cons to this diet plan, it will ultimately depend on you and your lifestyle. Many health experts agree there that intermittent fasting can be successful for weight loss (via Healthline). It may also be able to help you improve your insulin sensitivity and decrease your risk of chronic diseases like heart disease and cancer. Some people also find that it increases their mental clarity and focus.

However, there are some downsides to intermittent fasting as well. Many people find this diet to be unsustainable, which can lead to negative side effects like fatigue, headaches, and irritability in people who struggle with it. People who have a history of eating disorders should avoid this diet, as it can cause them to fall back into negative habits. People with diabetes, low blood pressure, or other health conditions should speak with their doctor before trying intermittent fasting, as limiting when you eat can negatively impact the health of people with these conditions. Whether you think intermittent fasting is for you or not, it's always a good idea to speak with your doctor before starting any new diet.