What It Really Means If You Wake Up With Hiccups

Hiccups are sudden and repeated involuntary spasms of the diaphragm that occur when your intake of air is temporarily blocked. These spasms can simultaneously cause your larynx (or voice box) to contract, forcing your vocal cords to close along with it. According to MedicalNewsToday, this is what creates the notorious "hic" sound of a hiccup. Also known as synchronous diaphragmatic flutter, hiccups can occur individually or in rhythmic bouts.

While hiccups can cause discomfort and annoyance, they usually resolve on their own most of the time and only last a few minutes. Although it's still not exactly clear why people get hiccups, there are a number of different, harmless causes. For instance, drinking carbonated beverages, swallowing air, eating spicy foods, and even experiencing stress can all trigger short bouts of hiccups. In some cases, however, hiccups can even be brought on by some gastrointestinal conditions. This may be especially the case if you experience acid reflux.

How to prevent morning hiccups

Believe it or not, the most common cause of morning hiccups is acid reflux. According to Well+Good, hiccups can sometimes be worse after you wake up in the morning, often caused by the sensation of stomach acid traveling back up your esophagus. "Often, lying down makes acid reflux worse, which can be the cause of hiccups," Dr. Monya De, an internal medicine physician and journalist, told Well+Good.

Fortunately, there are some quick fixes you can try to reduce the occurrence of morning hiccups. For example, adjusting your bed, investing in higher quality pillows, or taking acid reflux medications can help ward off hiccups when you wake up. Additionally, altering your diet can also help. In fact, it's best to avoid eating and drinking coffee, tea, soda, chocolate, and alcohol if you have acid reflux and suffer from morning hiccups. That's because these foods and beverages can all cause you to swallow air, which can worsen your acid reflux and trigger hiccups. Other hiccup remedies include drinking water quickly and holding your breath.