What Makes Your Eyes Burn When You Wear Contacts?

Contacts are a convenient solution for eyesight issues, but they can cause some problems of their own. One irritating issue is when your eyes feel like they're burning after wearing contacts. This can happen for a number of reasons that are usually not serious but can be frustrating, so it's worth understanding what causes it and how to fix it.

There are a few things that can cause your eyes to burn after wearing contacts. One is simply that the lenses or your eyes are dry (via Self). This is especially likely if you've been wearing them for a long time or if you live in a dry climate. To fix this, try using rewetting drops or artificial tears to moisten your lenses and eyes and ease the burning sensation. Another possibility is that you're allergic to your contact solution, lenses, or something else related to your contacts (via Icon Eyecare). If you think this might be the case, switch to a different brand of solution or lenses and see if that helps. If your eyes continue to burn after taking these measures, it's best to see an eye doctor. There could be another issue at play, such as an infection or inflammation. An eye doctor can help diagnose the problem and recommend the best treatment.

How to care for your contacts

When it comes to contact lenses, it is important to take care of them and practice good hygiene. This means cleaning them regularly, storing them properly, and never sharing them with others. Clean your contact lenses every day with a contact cleaning solution that is designed for the contacts you wear (via the American Academy of Ophthalmology). If you are unsure which solution is best for you, speak with your eye doctor. After cleaning your contact lenses, be sure to rinse them well and store them in a clean case. Never store your contact lenses in water.

It is also important to never share your contact lenses with anyone else. Sharing contacts can lead to serious eye infections. When you put in your contact lenses and remove them, be sure to wash your hands well to avoid transferring bacteria to your contacts or your eyes. You also need to be mindful of how your eyes feel while wearing contacts. If your contacts are bugging your eyes, you should remove them, clean them, and give your eyes a break to avoid eye strain or further damage.