Jennine Rye

Photo of Jennine Rye
Norwich, England
The Open University, British Academy Of Photography
Gluten-Free Baking, Dairy-Free Cooking, British Cuisine
  • Her food photography and recipe blog, "The Marshside Pantry," was born in 2020 and began turning a profit within the space of just four months.
  • Since launching her blog, she has collaborated with various businesses in the food and entertainment industry as both a photographer and a food developer.
  • A former pastry chef for the Duke of Wellington liked Jennine's gluten-free chocolate cake so much that he asked her for the recipe.


Jennine is a professional recipe developer, food stylist, photographer, and writer based in the U.K. An illness in her teens left her with a unique set of food-intolerances, prompting her to explore ways to create and adapt recipes to suit various dietary requirements. For almost 10 years, food photography and recipe development remained a hobby, but when the COVID-19 pandemic precipitated the loss of her day-job, Jennine decided to take the daunting step of building her own food business. Her work mainly focuses on broadening the options available to people following a gluten-free diet, and she is passionate about promoting local and seasonal produce. She comes from a family of writers and has had her writing selected for publication in both books and magazines. One day, she hopes to publish her own cookbook.


Jennine completed course modules including creative writing and English, before receiving a bachelors degree in psychology. She then studied photography with the British Association of Photography.
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Stories By Jennine Rye