The Reason Your Eyes Could Be Dry At Night

As the day comes to a close, the last thing anyone needs is the discomfort of dry, itchy eyes. A bout of dry eyes strikes when there's an imbalance between tear production and tear evaporation, notes Healthline. For some, dry eyes can be a part of the natural aging process. For others, health conditions such as diabetes, blepharitis, rheumatoid arthritis, or a thyroid disorder can be the cause of dry eyes. Nighttime episodes of dry eyes are not uncommon, reports Medical News Today. While some cases of evening dry eyes may be due to a medical condition, in many cases, external factors can also be to blame. In these cases, making small, daily changes may help provide some relief.

One factor that may be contributing to your evening dry eyes is water consumption, or lack thereof. If we're not staying adequately hydrated throughout the day, Medical News Today explains that dehydration can hinder the production of tears. Alternatively, for those with allergies, if allergens such as dust or pet dander come in contact with your bedding, this can also prompt symptoms of dry eyes (via Healthline).

How to reduce dry eye symptoms at night

A case of dry eyes at night could also be linked to your desk job. Healthline explains that the more time we spend staring at a screen, the less we blink. Because blinking helps keep our eyes moisturized, by the time we wrap up our work day, the lack of blinking could lead to eye strain and dry eyes come evening time. Similarly, wearing contact lenses for long stretches of time throughout the day can exacerbate symptoms of dry eyes at night.

Small tweaks such as drinking more water throughout the day, regularly washing your sheets, and limiting screen time may help stave off dry eyes later in the day (per Healthline). Additionally, try utilizing a humidifier at night. Doing so can help preserve moisture in the air and prevent our eyes from drying out. Applying a warm washcloth to the eyes may also help relieve dry eye symptoms. Alternatively, Medical News Today suggests keeping fans, heaters, and air conditioning units pointed away from our face as we sleep. Limiting direct airflow onto the eyes will help keep our eyes moist as we settle in for the night. In the event that your dry eye symptoms do not improve or they worsen, be sure to consult with a physician.