When To See A Doctor For Your Itchy Feet

A bout of itchy feet isn't exactly unusual. In fact, Medical News Today explains that our feet don't have nearly as many oil glands as some of our other body parts, making them more susceptible to the development of dry skin. Pair that with the stress of everyday use and it makes sense that our feet would get itchy every now and again. So what are some of the more common causes of itchy feet and when is it worth making a visit to the doctor?

Sometimes, different outside factors may be responsible for our itchy feet. This can include a nasty sunburn, an irritating bug bite, healing from a cut or scrape, or even the regrowth of hair, according to experts at Medicover Hospitals. Healthline adds that itchy feet can also occur when exposed to damp environments or when our bare feet make direct contact with allergens. In some of these instances, at-home remedies can be effective in relieving itching sensations. However, there are also cases in which itchy feet may stem from a health condition and may potentially require medical treatment from a physician.

When itchy feet may be related to a health condition

Certain health conditions, such as chicken pox, eczema, psoriasis, scabies, or a pinworm infection can also produce itchy feet, reports Medicover Hospitals. In more serious cases, cancer, liver disease, or thyroid gland disease may be the cause of itchy feet, amongst other conditions, adds Healthline. The urge to scratch could also be the result of a fungal infection (per Medicover Hospitals). This is because our warm, sweaty socks or shoes can offer a cozy home for bacteria and fungi. This can include Athlete's Foot, a condition characterized by the emergence of a contagious, dry, scaly rash. The infection is often contracted in places such as gym locker rooms or pool showers, where our bare feet can come in contact with the fungus on contaminated floors.

So under what circumstances should you schedule an appointment with your doctor to discuss your itchy feet? Healthline suggests doing so if your symptoms worsen or do not improve with at-home treatment methods. Your doctor can help determine if your itchy feet may be due to an infection, allergy, or health condition. Additionally, Medicover Hospitals advise individuals to seek immediate medical attention if a sudden urge to scratch is accompanied by bloating, difficulty breathing, vomiting, or fainting, as this could be a sign of a severe food allergy.