Can You Drink Alcohol On The Low FODMAP Diet?

When it comes to irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), what you put in your body can make the difference between a good day and a day spent in the restroom. IBS affects the digestive system and is a life-long condition (per NHS Inform). Someone with IBS may need to go to the bathroom several times a day, and experiencing increased life stress or eating specific foods can trigger uncomfortable symptoms of bloating, constipation, and abdominal pain.

Individuals with IBS can modify their diet to eat foods that are less harsh on the digestive system. Some people are more sensitive to FODMAPS, which are specific kinds of carbohydrates in foods, including sugars, starches, and fiber (per WebMD). As a result, the low FODMAP diet was created to treat IBS by limiting the intake of foods that aggravate symptoms. However, gastroenterologist Dr. Hazel Galon Veloso tells Johns Hopkins Medicine that this should be a short-term option, as it's considered a highly restrictive diet that eliminates many foods. Therefore, if you're considering the low FODMAP diet or any other diet, it's important to consult with your doctor beforehand. 

As for foods to avoid for someone with IBS, carbohydrates like dairy, fruits, and wheat move water into the digestive tract and can contribute to bloating, explains WebMD. According to Johns Hopkins Medicine, carbonated beverages and caffeine also trigger symptoms of IBS. Those who like to have a glass of wine after a long day may wonder, can someone on a low FODMAP diet drink alcohol?

Is it okay to drink alcohol while on the low FODMAP diet?

If you have IBS and are considering the low FODMAP diet, you might want to know if it's harmful to drink alcohol. According to Healthline, the impact of alcohol consumption during the FODMAP diet seems to depend on the individual, and research has found inconsistencies in results. However, some researchers believe that drinking alcohol on the diet can increase the risk of irritating symptoms of IBS. 

If someone would like to drink alcohol while they're on the diet, they can do so in a mindful way. To determine whether they are better off avoiding alcohol, they can observe their symptoms and notice whether they become triggered after imbibing. Healthline suggests limiting alcohol intake to one drink per day and abstaining from alcohol if someone notices that their symptoms have increased after drinking. In addition, eating foods that don't trigger symptoms and drinking water while you drink alcohol may also help to protect you from developing symptoms.

Luckily, there may be certain alcoholic beverages that are low FODMAP diet-friendly, according to A Little Bit Yummy. Wine lovers can still choose amongst their favorite wines, including red wine, white wine, sparkling wine, and sweet wine. This is because these wines are low FODMAP, whereas a sticky wine, like sherry or port, is higher in fructose and is considered high FODMAP. Consequently, it may be possible to avoid a flare-up of IBS symptoms by choosing your alcoholic drink wisely.