What Happens To The Body When In A Cramped Position For Days

OceanGate expeditions, which owns the submersible vessel known as Titan that leads expeditions to explore the wreckage of the Titanic, released promotional diagrams of the craft that shows just enough room for one person to stretch their legs. The Titan is only 21 feet long.

Even when you're on a road trip, you know how hard it is to sit in the same position for hours on end. Imagine sitting like that for four days without a chance to get out and stretch your legs. Sitting at your desk for hours on end can be bad for your body, according to Educate, Inspire, Change. Regularly moving your body allows blood and oxygen to circulate. If you're stuck in the same position for a long time, you won't get a fresh flow of oxygen and blood to the brain, which means you won't be able to think as clearly.

Cramped positions affect muscles, nerves, and lungs

Our bodies are meant for standing, not sitting, according to Loma Linda University Health. Sitting too long, particularly in a cramped position, can potentially pinch some of the nerves in your body, particularly the sciatic nerve in your lower back. Without much movement for a few days, the muscles in your body begin to weaken due to the restriction. Being in a cramped position for too long can also cause digestive problems such as bloating and cramping because your abdomen is compressed, according to the Vein Center of Florida.

If you're on a long flight, you're often told to get up and move around every few hours. That's because sitting in a cramped position puts you at risk for blood clots, according to Live Science. These blood clots can form in your legs and move up to your lungs. If this happens and treatment isn't available, your body can go through cardiac arrest or some lung tissue could die (via Penn Medicine).