Could Singing In The Shower Help You Lose Weight? Here's What We Know

For some of us, the tranquility and privacy of our homes are the perfect ingredients to bring out our inner performers. Whether we're channeling Sam Smith or Rihanna, we feel carefree and joyous when we sing at the top of our lungs. Enter the concept of singing in the shower. It has a very particular thrill, mainly because you're truly by yourself in there — the shower curtains are drawn, you have steam, soap, and comfortably warm water to keep you company, and the acoustics are just right. There's no better way to start the day or end one, truly.

Turns out there's another great reason why you should belt out your favorite tunes in the shower: you're going to be burning some calories. To be more specific, singing can burn up to about 136 calories in an hour, according to the London Singing Institute, although this varies depending on whether you're sitting or standing and your overall weight. Will you be losing weight, too? Unfortunately, no, according to The New York Times, mainly because the calories you burn are not enough (in and of themselves) to help you shed any pounds. A more effective weight-loss method would involve healthy eating and exercise. But don't stop singing on the toilet or in the shower just yet.  

Singing in the shower can boost your happiness

There's something relaxing about a shower after a long day at work. Even if you are the type to think that mornings are the best time of day for you to shower, you're probably starting your day off in a happy mood because of this. 

And there's a reason, according to consultant and psychological therapist Michael Padraig Acton (via Metro U.K.). When you belt out the lyrics to Mariah Carey's "All I Want for Christmas" during those winter morning showers, you're forcing yourself to practice mindful breathing, according to the expert. Mindful breathing is great for relieving anxiety, he added. "When we are belting out a tune, we simply have to breathe more deeply. This increases oxygen levels and sends a message to the brain that we are ready to calm down. Our heart rate slows, our blood pressure decreases as our blood vessels relax and we simply feel more at peace," explained Acton.

And for those of you out there who are fans of the kind of hydrotherapy that involves hot and cold water showers during the same bathroom session, singing could help you get through the cold shower bit, per naturopathic doctor Dr. Kristen Mark. Even without hot and cold showers, combining the effects of water therapy — using the soothing effects of warm (or cold) water to relieve pain and tension — might be better complemented with the endorphin-releasing act of singing. 

How to sing in the shower (safely and correctly)

Believe it or not, there's a right and wrong way to sing in the shower. For starters, it goes without saying that you may want to be careful about dancing and singing in an area where soap and water are involved. You don't want to slip in the tub and injure yourself mid-performance. 

Plus, you should also make sure that you're not in the shower with water running on your body for an entire hour while singing. The recommendation is no more than 15 minutes of cleansing time for optimal skin and hair health, per board-certified dermatologist Dr. Susan Bard (via Business Insider). 

According to vocal coaches Natalie Farrell and Mark De Lisser, per Metro U.K., there are certain techniques (like cupping your hands and holding them close to your mouth, tilting your head back into the water, and lifting your chin up) that amplify your voice. You should also maintain a good posture and use the steam from the shower to your advantage — steam can soothe your throat and produce greater vocals, according to the experts. Turn on some cold water if you want to hit the high notes naturally. While you might not be burning enough calories to lose weight, there's no discounting the many benefits of singing every day. Keep your shower-singing dreams alive. You're doing your body and your mind some good.