Your Pee Can Predict This Unexpected Medical Event

You don't need a crystal ball to tell the future; rather, your pee may hold the answers as to what's to come. Well, not exactly. Our urine may not be able to tell us who we'll marry or whether we'll get the promotion of our dreams, but it may be able to tell us whether a migraine is on the horizon.

According to a 2021 scientific review published in Frontiers in Neurology, over 1 billion people around the globe experience migraines annually. Genetics, age, sex, and hormone fluctuations can all play a role in one's susceptibility to migraine (via Mayo Clinic). The throbbing pain that characterizes the neurological disorder may be set off by any number of things, including the consumption of salty foods, physical exertion, weather changes, stress, alcohol, or particularly pungent odors.

A migraine may develop through various phases, starting in the prodrome phase before moving into the aura, the attack, and finally the post-drome phase. For some individuals, an increase in urine output is indicative of the prodromal phase of a migraine.

Peeing more often than usual may mean a migraine attack will occur in the coming days

The prodromal phase of a migraine usually begins anywhere between 24 and 48 hours before a migraine attack, according to Mayo Clinic experts. During this time, a person may experience stiffness in the neck, cravings, mood shifts, and increased yawning. It is also not uncommon to experience urinary warning signs, including constipation or more frequent pee breaks. Having experienced migraine firsthand, migraine advocate Katie M. Golden writes via Teva Pharmaceutical Industries that she would find herself urinating as many as ten times within an hour. Over time, learning to recognize these frequent bathroom trips, along with other symptoms, allowed Katie to prepare ahead of time for a migraine attack.

Once a migraine reaches the aura phase, however, preventative measures aren't always effective. Sometimes occurring in the midst of a migraine attack, symptoms such as difficulty talking, loss of eyesight, or flashes of light in one's field of vision can come on in minutes or last up to an hour before a migraine attack.

Treatment options for migraine

The duration of a migraine attack can range from four hours to three days without treatment. In the throes of a migraine attack, a person may feel throbbing or pulsing pain, usually limited to one side of the head. Nausea or a heightened sensitivity to light or noise may also set in. Confusion or tiredness may follow a migraine attack during the post-drome phase.

Although treatment may vary depending on the type of migraine, taking a nap, positioning a cool compress on one's forehead, and staying adequately hydrated may prove beneficial in relieving migraine symptoms, according to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. Over-the-counter (OTC) pain-relief drugs, such as acetaminophen, NSAIDs, or anti-nausea medications or analgesics, may also be helpful. A doctor may alternatively prescribe medications, some of which boost serotonin levels while others decrease pain communication between neurons, amongst other medicine options. While these drugs may be used for more immediate treatment, there are also preventative medications that may be prescribed to individuals who experience migraines on a regular basis. Be sure to talk to your doctor if you are affected by migraines in order to develop a treatment plan.