Why Weight Loss Might Put Your Relationship In Danger

When one half of a couple loses weight, it may be putting some extra weight on their relationship. Lynsey Romo, an assistant professor of communication at North Carolina State University, toldĀ WebMD that, "Losing weight can affect your relationship negatively." This may come as a surprise to hear. After all, most are congratulated when they make a transformation. But in her study, Romo found what she calls "the dark side of weight loss."

Romo conducted a study shared by WebMD on 21 couples where one of the partners had lost an average of 60 pounds in two years or less. Her findings reported a positive change between partners. There were those who felt motivated to also lose weight and adopt a healthier lifestyle with their significant other. There were also partners in the sample group who responded negatively. Jealousy became a factor when they felt like they had lost their role as the "healthy" partner. They also reported feeling nagged by their partner who had lost weight and wanted them to do so as well.

The nagging in a relationship may be as harmful as the weight loss

Before we can start judging these unsupportive partners, Romo makes a good point when she goes further into detailing how one partner's weight loss can create conflict in Shape. "Every relationship is a closed system," she explained. "We have a certain understanding of how things will be. When one element changes, it throws everything off and can create conflict. People think I signed up for wings and beer, not for this."

The nagging some partners reported receiving from their partners can also be a factor in making the relationship feel threatened. Judith S. Beck, Ph.D., the president of the Beck Institute for Cognitive Behavior Therapy and the author of The Beck Diet Solution toldĀ Shape, "Trying to force someone to be healthier almost never works." Beck goes on to say that it's best to just focus on your own goals and hopefully your partner will eventually be inspired to join you.