The Vegan Cheese You Didn't Know You Needed In Your Fridge

If your first thoughts on hearing the words "vegan cheese" drift to some non-dairy imitation cheese you tried with less than pleasure in the past, you're not alone. There are lots of vegan cheeses out there on grocery shelves that frankly belong put out to pasture, not put on your preferred crackers, pizzas, or sandwiches. But hey, you know how to get things done right, right? Yep, do it yourself. Turns out DIY applies to vegan cheese too, because when you follow this recipe from chef and food writer Maren Epstein of Eating Works, you can make your own vegan cheese that you will actually quite enjoy.

"This cheese is perfect for a charcuterie board," says Epstein. "I like serving it along side fruits, olives, and crackers." It also works well chopped for salads, sliced for sandwiches, on crackers (of course), or just nibbled on by itself as a healthy little snack.

Want to use it in a more hands-on meal prep? Go for it. "I have put this cheese in the microwave, and I'm thrilled to say that it does melt," says Epstein, adding: "It's not real cheese, but it will still get gooey." Not bad for a faux cheese without even a hint of dairy.

Gather your ingredients to make this vegan cheese

Here's everything you need to make a great vegan cheese, and for the record, you likely have a lot of these ingredients already or else can find all of them at most any grocery store. However, there is an exception with one with which you might not be familiar: agar powder. But don't worry, it's easily found online, and we're doing a deeper dive on the stuff below so you know what it is.

Alright then, what you'll need is a cup of cashews, a quarter of a cup of nutritional yeast, a tablespoon of maple syrup, a tablespoon of garlic powder, a teaspoon of onion powder, half a lemon, juiced, two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar, a teaspoon of salt, an eighth of a teaspoon of pepper, one and a half cups of water, and two tablespoons of agar powder.

What is agar powder used for in vegan cheese, anyway?

Even if you've never heard of agar powder, you have probably consumed your fair share of it, especially if you follow a vegan diet. Often called "agar agar," it is, according to One Green Planet, a thickening agent much like animal-derived gelatin but that is sourced from seaweed.

So, basically, this is an algae-derived product that gives foods very much animal-derived-like properties. It may just become a pantry staple for you, but until it does, you can find it online for affordable prices.

Combine ingredients (except agar) and blend your vegan cheese

In a high-speed blender, combine the cashews, nutritional yeast, maple syrup, garlic powder, onion powder, lemon juice, vinegar, salt, and pepper.

Blend all of the vegan cheese ingredients (except the agar powder and water, take note) until they are fully combined and smooth. And for the record, you will almost surely have to use a spatula to push many of the ingredients off the walls down into the blades. It's important that every little bit of cashew gets chopped up and mixed in.

Dissolve the agar to make this vegan cheese

Meanwhile, while you are blending, bring the water to a boil in a small sauce pan. Keep a lid on the pot to prevent the water from evaporating because the measurements matter here. (Remember, cooking is basically science, and sometimes it's an exact science at that!) 

Once the water is boiling, add in the agar powder and stir vigorously until it's completely dissolved, but don't splash. Be ready to move to the next step quickly, because time is now a factor given the way agar acts when heated and dissolved.

Combine blended ingredients with agar water and chill your vegan cheese

As soon as all the agar has dissolved, immediately pour the agar water into the blender and blend until the mixture is perfectly combined. Then, quickly pour the mixture into a medium-sized bowl.

Now, place the bowl in the fridge and wait until the mixture solidifies, which will take about two hours. You'll know it's done when it is springy to the touch and the edges pull away from the sides of the bowl. Flip the bowl over and pop your vegan cheese out onto a plate. And enjoy! No rush, though. Epstein says: "This cheese can last for ten days in the fridge."

Vegan cheese directions

Prep time: 10 minute
Chill time:
2 hours
1 wheel of cheese


1 cup cashews
¾ cup nutritional yeast
1 tablespoon maple syrup
1 tablespoon garlic powder
1 teaspoon onion powder
½ lemon, juiced
2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
1 teaspoon salt
⅛ teaspoon pepper
2 teaspoons agar powder
1 ½ cup water


1. In a high-speed blender, combine cashews, nutritional yeast, maple syrup, garlic powder, onion powder, lemon juice, vinegar, salt, and pepper into a blender. Blend until smooth using a tamper to push the ingredients into the blade.
2. Meanwhile, bring the water to a boil in a small sauce pan. Keep a lid on the pot to prevent the water from evaporating. Once the water is boiling, add in the agar powder and stir until it's completely dissolved.
3. Immediately pour the water into the blender and blend until the mixture is perfectly combined. Then quickly pour the mixture into a bowl.
4. Place the bowl in the fridge until it solidifies for about two hours. You'll know it's done when it is springy to the touch and the edges pull away from the sides of the bowl.
5. Flip the bowl over onto a plate and slide the cheese out. Enjoy!