Why You Should Try Using Weights During Your Spin Class

If you've done a spin class before, you've probably experienced the "active recovery" section. Although you may think your spin class is a leg-dominant workout, you keep your entire body engaged when you add weights and upper body movements (via Well and Good).

Indoor cycling can provide endurance and strength training, as well as a boost to your cardiovascular health. It is recommended to keep a regimen of 3 to 6 classes per week (or 150 minutes) to reap all the benefits (via Healthline).

Typically, spin classes are heavy on the lower body as you pedal consistently for 45 to 60 minutes. But by adding push-ups and slow presses to your choreography, as well as basic arm exercises with weights at an upbeat tempo, you may feel the burn in your arms sooner than your legs. This is because the muscles in your arms are smaller than your lower body muscles, according to Well and Good.

How additional arm workouts can help your cycling

Those arm exercises with weights can help you on and off the bike, too. The additional arm workout can help you with the sometimes complicated choreography in spin classes, as well as finessing your form, fitness experts tell Well and Good. The choreography is designed to also raise your heart rate, giving you an active rest session that still works your legs.

While many sing praises of the spin class workout, there are some risks to be aware of when using weights during indoor cycling classes. Be sure you are keeping the correct cycling posture to prevent injury in the long-term (via Indoor Cycling Tips). Issues with injuries as a result from form can also be prevalent when you're fatigued.

So, next time you hop on the bike for your sweat session, try adding weights and mixing it up with arm-heavy choreography. If you have specific concerns related to weight training and spin class, consult with your fitness professional and try modifications that feel good in your body.