The Health Benefits Of Cucumbers Explained

Whether you chop them up and toss them into a salad, add them to a sandwich for a satisfying crunch, or dip them in hummus, cucumbers are a delicious and versatile fruit. Though commonly considered a vegetable, the cucumber is a member of the gourd family of plants which makes it a fruit (via Healthline). Cucumbers have a mild, crisp, and refreshing flavor and are a great option to get in your recommended daily dose of fruits and vegetables.

There are a number of health benefits associated with eating cucumbers. They contain an array of nutrients, while simultaneously are low in calories, fat, sodium, and cholesterol (via Medical News Today). The fruits are a great source of fiber, vitamin C, vitamin K, magnesium, potassium, and manganese (via Healthline). To get the most nutritional value out of cucumbers, eat them unpeeled, as peeling cucumbers reduces the amount of fiber and some vitamins and minerals. Cucumbers are also 96 percent water, so they can help you meet your daily fluid intake needs and also promote hydration.

Other health benefits of cucumbers

Cucumbers may help with weight loss. Since one cup of cucumbers contains only 16 calories, you can essentially eat as many as you want without worrying about adding many calories to your diet and gaining weight. Laboratory and animal studies also suggest cucumbers may reduce blood sugar levels and help keep diabetes under control. Cucumbers also have heart health benefits. Reducing sodium intake and increasing potassium may help prevent high blood pressure, and since cucumbers are low in sodium and high in potassium, they fit the bill to reap these benefits, according to Medical News Today.

Cucumbers also contains pectin, a type of soluble fiber, which can help promote regular bowel movements. Finally, cucumbers are members of the Cucurbitaceae family of plants, and as such contain nutrients known as cucurbitacin. An article published in the International Journal of Health Services suggests cucurbitacin may help prevent cancer by stopping cancer cells from reproducing.