Fruits Vs. Vegetables: What's The Difference For Your Health?

As we all know, fruits and vegetables are important to include in your diet on a regular basis. But if you eat more of one than the other, will this make a difference for your health?

According to experts at the Harvard School of Public Health, there isn't one particular fruit or vegetable that you should depend on to make a difference in your health. There are over nine different families of fruits and vegetables, and all of their varieties and colors contain the full spectrum of vitamins and minerals that you need. Studies have shown that both fruits and vegetables play a part in reducing your risk of heart disease and stroke. Additionally, some are also known to help lower blood pressure and act as a defense against certain kinds of cancers. 

So, it's truly more of a collaboration than a contest. If you're looking to include some of the healthiest of fruits and vegetables in your diet, you have numerous choices.

What are the healthiest fruits and vegetables?

As far as fruits go, one of your best options are blueberries. Blueberries are a superfood with antioxidant properties that can help fight illnesses such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes (via Healthline). Mangoes — known as the "king of fruit" — are also packed with antioxidants and may protect the body against a number of diseases, including Alzheimer's disease. Avocados are also a great choice as they are high in healthy fats that are believed to support heart health. Avocados also contain potassium, as well as vitamins E and K.

Now that you've got some fruits on your grocery list, what are some of the healthiest vegetables you can tack on? According to Medical News Today, while certain vegetables may be more beneficial to certain people depending on their needs, there are important vegetables that everyone should incorporate into their diet, such as spinach. Rich in vitamins, iron, and other minerals, spinach is a leafy green powerhouse of nutrients. Carrots also sit at the top of the list as a great source of vitamin A, which is known to support eye health. And if you're a potato-eater, go for sweet potatoes. They're also packed with vitamin A, as well as other nutrients.

So when trying to decide between fruits versus vegetables, think less about picking one over the other, and more about how to include a variety of each to maintain a well-balanced diet.