What Dry Brushing Actually Does To Your Skin

Skin is the largest organ on your body. It is part of your integumentary system, which provides a barrier that protects everything going on underneath it. Skin regulates your temperature, and it keeps germs from entering your body. The epidermis is the outer layer of skin, and it sheds dead skin cells and produces new ones every day (via Live Science). Exfoliation is an important aspect of skin health, and you can encourage this process with the technique of dry brushing.

Dry brushing is an age-old practice of brushing your dry skin with a dry, stiff-bristled brush. Brushing on dry skin creates more friction than it does on wet skin, which is why it makes exfoliation more effective. One of the results of dry brushing is smoother skin. In addition, it can brighten your skin's radiance, reducing the appearance of cellulite. Furthermore, dry brushing stimulates blood flow, causing your skin to glow, giving it an all-around younger appearance (via Self).

How to get the most from dry brushing

If you're ready to try dry brushing, it is important to do it the right way. Brushing too hard can irritate your skin and even create small cuts if you're not careful. If you're new to dry brushing, press the brush lightly on your skin and increase pressure as you become used to it. Do not dry brush areas where you have a cut, infection, rash, or wound. If you want to dry brush your face, use a brush made specifically for the face.

Invest in a brush that has natural fibers and a long handle so you can reach all parts of your body. Start with your feet and work your way up, brushing your skin in wide circles going clockwise. Brush lightly on areas where your skin is tender and apply more pressure on areas where your skin is thicker. After brushing, take a cool shower to rinse away the dead skin cells. Afterward, use coconut or olive oil to moisturize your skin (via Healthline).

Finally, always rinse your brush after using and allow it to dry in an open area other than your bathroom to keep mildew at bay.