Are Rowdy Energy Drinks Good For You?

If you've noticed the energy drink aisle is more cramped with choices than usual, you're likely not the only one. In the past, it seemed Red Bull and Monster were the only 2 options for many of us to choose from. Now, a slew of new names has emerged with shiny new labels and packaging. Furthermore, they're ready to claim their portion of the very large energy drink industry pie. According to Allied Market Research, the energy drink market was valued at $53 billion in 2018, with its value is projected to grow.

We all want more energy, but not all of these jetpack-in-a-bottle brands are equally smart choices for our overall health. The energy drink we've chosen to put into the spotlight today is Rowdy energy. The creation of Rowdy Energy is credited to NASCAR driver Kyle Busch and beverage entrepreneur Jeff Church. According to the Rowdy website, Busch wanted to make a drink that helped him and his fans achieve their high-performance goals. He named his product Rowdy after the nickname he was given in reference to his insistence to win at all costs. Currently, there are 10 different flavors for sale and 7 sugar-free options that have been given the KETO stamp of approval. Rowdy may make you feel more "rowdy," but experts are skeptical over some of the drink's ingredients.

Don't make drinking Rowdy a daily habit

"The main sweeteners in this drink are allulose and erythritol," registered dietitian Talia Hauser told Eat This, Not That. "So beware of this possibility when trying Rowdy or any other beverages that contain erythritol." Why be aware of these two ingredients? "Allulose is a type of carbohydrate, but most of it goes through the digestive tract without getting digested, meaning it doesn't affect calorie intake or affect blood sugar much," Hauser explained to the source. As for erythritol, WebMD notes that the sweetener can be found in both natural and manmade sources. It is an FDA-approved sweetener, but you should watch your intake, as it can cause bloating or a laxative effect.

In a comparative analysis made by Reiz Club, a 16-ounce can of Rowdy energy had fewer calories and sodium than both its competitors, Red Bull and Monster. Its 160 milligrams of caffeine come from tea. However, the non-sugar-free options of this energy drink contain a whopping 24 grams of sugar. The American Heart Association recommends no more than 25 grams of sugar for women and 36 grams for men. 

Rowdy energy doesn't appear to be the worst choice you can make when it comes to choosing a caffeinated beverage. However, you should be on the lookout for any uncomfortable side effects, and try not to make drinking it a daily habit.