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Longevity Expert Ryan Frederick On Finding A Purpose - Exclusive

In his newly released book, "Right Place, Right Time," longevity expert Ryan Frederick emphasizes "purpose" as one of the key components to healthy aging. In the book, he outlines a heartwarming story about his friend, Charlotte. Charlotte lived a long, full life and much of her longevity was thought to come from her excitement to greet each day. Instead of waking up haphazardly and going through the motions, Charlotte woke up each day with a sense of purpose and inspiration. Frederick uses this anecdote to drive home the notion that having a reason to get out of bed every day can contribute to not only the length of a person's life, but also to their quality of life.

During Health Digest's exclusive interview with the longevity pro himself, Frederick revealed just how important purpose is: "People who don't have an articulated purpose that's greater than themselves are two and a half times more likely to suffer from mild cognitive impairment or dementia in the future."

Your sense of purpose may change as you age

Accepting that your sense of purpose can change over time is one step towards embodying this as a priority in your life. Ryan Frederick told Health Digest that during the first half of your life, it is likely that a job, relationships, and perhaps children will give you a sense of purpose. As we age, it is normal for our sense of purpose to evolve with the normal changes in life. For example, if your children grow up and leave the nest, your parents pass on, or you retire from your career, you or your sense of purpose may have to adapt. Take some time to align a new sense of purpose with the changing demands of your life.

If you are reaching retirement age, you may be particularly worried about finding a new purpose. Frederick explains that the word "retire" means to "withdraw," and that he believes this word to be inappropriate for aging adults. By saying that you are "withdrawing" from something can imply that you are irrelevant or being "effectively wiped off the playing field." This negative connotation can impede our sense of finding purpose in the other elements of life. Instead, he recommends looking within and asking, "What are these things that you care about? What are the values that you hold?" He continued, saying, "Then trying to identify real tactical ways in which you can put your energies behind them."

Finding a sense of purpose

Many people have found themselves a bit adrift as a result of the pandemic, which ultimately can feel like an acute lack of purpose. When asked what Ryan Frederick believes is the best way to find purpose amid the changing tides of life, the expert explained that the first step is to reconnect with your value system. He then states that finding tangible ways to put effort into the things that matter to you is a great way to grow a sense of purpose. Whether you apply for a new job, an "encore career," as he calls it, or some form of community involvement, finding a purpose continues to be important in the second half of life.

If you are struggling to nail down a sense of purpose, Frederick recommends enjoying a moment of self-reflection to identify what has brought you purpose and joy in the past. By recognizing the ways you feel fulfilled and acting on them, your second stage of life can be something to look forward to.

For more information on Ryan Frederick please visit www.smartliving360.com and be sure to follow him on social media: LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook. And don't forget to order your copy of "Right Place, Right Time: The Ultimate Guide to Choosing a Home for the Second Half of Life" on Amazon.