You Might Want To Avoid Eating Cheese After Surgery. Here's Why

After a surgical procedure, your doctor will probably give you some instructions on what foods to eat and what foods to avoid in the coming days and weeks. Your diet can greatly affect how you feel and how quickly you heal after an operation. Even with specific instructions, it's a good idea to be aware of the types of foods you should not eat, just in case a craving comes on. According to Verywell Health, it's important to avoid foods that can cause constipation after surgery. Cheese and other dairy products can cause constipation in some people.

Dairy products can also cause stomach upset in some people and may increase secretions in the lungs. All of these issues can make your recovery more uncomfortable. If you don't experience problems when eating dairy products, it is still smart to eat low-fat dairy options while you recover. Some foods may make you feel sick post-surgery even if they don't when you're healthy.

Foods to eat after surgery

Fiber is one of the most important nutrients to focus on after a surgical procedure. Fiber can help prevent constipation, which is common after an operation. Constipation is uncomfortable to experience and can negatively affect your recovery by reducing your appetite, increasing your overall pain level, and putting stress on incisions (via Verywell Health). Some high-fiber foods to enjoy include corn, oatmeal, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.

Protein is another nutrient you should focus on after surgery. Your body needs protein to repair muscles, tissue, and other parts of your body that need to heal after an operation. Protein also helps your body fight against infections. Foods that are high in this nutrient include chicken, quinoa, kidney beans, and eggs. You should try to eat foods that are high in protein during each meal of the day while you're recovering from surgery. In addition to these foods, be sure to follow any specific instructions from your doctor.