Are Eggs With Two Yolks Safe To Eat?

When it comes to protein, you might think "the more the merrier," right? After all, protein plays a vital role in some of our body's most important systems. As a foundational component in the makeup of our hair, bones, skin, muscles, and tissue, protein keeps our cells healthy and functioning (via Piedmont Healthcare).

Eggs — both animal-based and plant-based — are a great source of protein. Described as the "gold standard" for protein by WebMD, one egg contains 7 grams of the essential building block, in addition to 5 grams of fat plus vitamins, minerals, and iron. While eggs are nutritious and mostly safe to eat, health experts advise a thorough inspection before they go into the frying pan or mixing bowl. When you break open an egg, make sure to inspect both the white portion and the yolk for any discoloration, such as pink, blue, black, or green spots, indicating potential bacterial contamination (via Healthline).

Ok, so you've cracked open your egg, and all looks good when it comes to its color. But what if you find two yolks? Is this an egg that's safe to eat?

The nutritional value of a double yolk egg

If you discover a double yolk egg, congratulations! These eggs are an incredibly rare find. So rare, according to Sauder's Eggs, that the odds of a hen producing one is 1 in 1,000. Although double yolks might seem like an impossibly tight squeeze, the world record holds at nine yolks inside one eggshell! Now how exactly does this occur?

Double yolks are produced more commonly by young hens with underdeveloped reproductive systems. Twin yolks can occur also when older hens are nearing retirement from their egg-producing days (via Egg Safety). 

The next time you have a hankering for an omelet, crack open an egg, and see double yolks, fear not. Experts at Egg Safety deem them perfectly safe to eat. However, Sauder's Eggs explains that double the yolk doesn't necessarily mean double the nutritional value. Because double yolks are smaller in size than the typical single yolk contained within an eggshell, each one likely holds fewer nutrients. The good news is — between the two, double yolks add up to roughly the same nutritional value as a single jumbo egg.