What Science Says About Babies Born In February

February usually gets buried in a mountain of chocolates and Valentine cards, but there is so much more to this month than a trip to the Hallmark store and finding good dinner reservations. February is Black History Month, American Heart Month, and it is home to National Missing Persons Day.

It's also when countless birthdays occur. Some of them belong to well-known people like Abraham Lincoln, but most of them belong to average people living private lives (Not that the average person is unremarkable, of course). As a few studies have found, part of what makes a person special might just be the month or season in which they were born.

A 2015 study published in the Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association suggested that birth month has a large impact on the diseases people develop over the course of their lives. What does this mean for February babies, in particular?

They're less likely to develop some diseases

In the study published in the Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, researchers found that some babies born in certain months have protection against — or increased risk for — specific diseases. Children born in months, such as October or November, seemed to have significant protection in certain areas, balanced out with significant risks in others.

February babies, on the other hand, seemed to have much more disease protection than risk. They saw no significant increase in health risks while seeming to have lower chances of having respiratory, reproductive, or neurological issues.

This protection isn't fail-safe, of course. Scientists aren't entirely sure why birth month seems to affect a person's potential health issues. The study's conclusion states that seasonally-dependent variables may play a role. Further research is needed to fully understand the connections and potential effects of the study. For now, it's enough to know that February birthdays have a lot more to offer than Valentine's-themed parties.