Do Bananas Help With Nausea?

No one likes feeling nauseous. That gross, uncomfortable sensation can come out of nowhere and quickly ruin your day. It is not always clear what causes nausea, so it's impossible to prevent it from ever happening (via Cleveland Clinic). Dietary habits typically play a large role in nausea. Many foods, including those high in fat and sugar, can make you feel sick to your stomach. On the flip side, some foods may actually help you get over a bout of nausea when it occurs.

Bananas are one of the best foods to reach for if you are experiencing nausea, especially if it is connected to a virus or food poisoning that comes with other symptoms like diarrhea and vomiting (via Everyday Health). Diarrhea and vomiting can deplete important potassium stores in your body and bananas can help restore those. "Potassium is an electrolyte that's lost during vomiting or bouts of diarrhea," said Erin Palinski-Wade, RD, CDE. "Bananas are also starchy and binding, which may help to reduce diarrhea." Bananas are also a bland food that is easily digested, which is a good option for people who can't stomach rich or spicy foods when they feel nauseous.

Health benefits of bananas

Whether you feel nauseous or not, bananas are a great food to add to your diet. In addition to helping you when you're dehydrated, the potassium in bananas is important in regulating blood pressure and keeping your heart healthy (via Healthline). Bananas are also high in vitamin B6 and vitamin C and contain a hefty dose of good-for-you carbohydrates. Although they are high in natural sugars, bananas have a low glycemic index due to the large amount of fiber present in each fruit.

Banana peels also contain health benefits. If you have a hard time feeling sleepy at night, brew a fresh banana peel in a cup of hot water to make tea. "Bananas are full of various sleep-promoting nutrients, specifically the natural muscle relaxants magnesium and potassium," registered dietitian Eliza Savage, RD, told Well + Good. Banana peels also contain an amino acid called tryptophan, which influences the production of melatonin and serotonin. Both of these substances can help you fall and stay asleep at night.