Can You Drink Too Much Sparkling Water?

Tap. Spring. Distilled. Alkaline. Who knew so many types of water would one day exist. According to Healthline, there are nine types of water that are safe for drinking: the above-mentioned plus mineral, purified, flavored or infused, well water, and sparkling. Also known as carbonated or soda water, sparkling water has grown in popularity over the past seven years. Statista reported the retail sales of sparkling water in 2015 at $3.57 billion, and in 2022 sales are projected to reach $7.35 billion. With brands like Perrier, La Croix, and Bubly leading the way, the sparkling water industry is booming.

Research has indicated that sparkling water is just as hydrating as tap water and recognizes it as a healthier option than soda. But is it safe to drink every day? Considering the fact that sparkling water is literally infused with carbon dioxide, as defined by WebMD, one can't help but wonder.

Drinking too much water can be life threatening

Is it possible to drink too much of any kind of water? Though rare, Medical News Today says water intoxication is a thing and is typically caused by overhydration during sports or intense training. People with mental health conditions such as schizophrenia or psychogenic polydipsia can also fall prey to compulsively drinking water. Water intoxication negatively impacts brain function and increases the amount of water in the blood. When that happens, electrolytes and sodium the body relies on for fluid balance become diluted. As a result, cells can swell and in some cases, this can lead to death.

Some of the first symptoms of water intoxication are headaches, nausea, and vomiting. In more serious situations, symptoms can also include drowsiness, muscle weakness or cramping, double vision, confusion, increased blood pressure, difficulty breathing, or inability to identify sensory information. If water intoxication becomes life-threatening, seizures, brain damage, and coma can occur.

Possible side effects of drinking sparkling water

While plain sparkling water isn't harmful, any carbonated beverage with added sugar can be bad for your bones. A 2021 study published in Nutrition Journal showed that drinking sugar-sweetened beverages were linked to a significant decline of bone mineral density in adults. In terms of your teeth, Healthline says sugary drinks can lead to cavities and tooth decay, but The American Dental Association (ADA) says sparkling water is fine even though it's a bit more acidic. It all boils down to whether or not the sparkling water you're drinking has added sugar. Choosing options that have as close to zero sugar as possible can help make sure your bones and teeth aren't adversely affected.

Another possible side effect of drinking sparkling water is bloating — and this is where all of that carbonation comes into play. Cleveland Clinic defines bloating as excess gas in the intestines that cause the stomach to feel tight, full, and painful. Usually, bloating is linked to digestion issues and one of the primary culprits is drinking carbonated beverages. If you find yourself suffering from bloating after drinking sparkling water, you may want to consider leaving it alone.